Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ministry Changing Moment.

While I was teaching bible study last night at E. J. Simon M.B.C. I looked in the people face and thought that I was wasting my time. But when it was over a lady walked up to me and told me some thing I won't soon forget. She told me that she had been to many churches and heard and saw people shouting but never had some one take the time to explain the basics of what it all was about and she was happy that I was doing just that. The one thing i learned when she told me that is just because people are not hollering at you while you are talking doesn't mean that they are getting a lot from what you are saying some times it the quiet times that change your life.

1 comment:

  1. Preacher, in over 15 years of ministry now, God is teaching me this very truth and revelation. I pray that we stay at it; and be not sidetracked...trying to tickle people's 'itching ears'. What they want to hear is not always what they need to hear. Thanks for the reminder!

    -K. Pullam
